for the
"Montana Voices" Publication Project
1. All members of the Montana Playwrights Network (MPN) may submit up to two creative works per category for consideration in the “Montana Voices” publication project. You must be a member to participate. Send us your best!
2. Writers’ themes must clearly illustrate an aspect of Montana life, past, present or future.
3. Poetry must not exceed 200 lines, and stage monologues, essays, story-telling, short stories and memoirs must not exceed 2000 words. Short plays and one-acts must not exceed 25 pages of dialogue in standard play manuscript format. (Request guidelines for Standard Membership Format.) Only unpublished works are eligible for consideration.
4. The work submitted may be comedic, tragic, inspirational or non-fiction. It should be “stand-alone”, and must not depend upon a larger body of work in order to be enjoyed, understood or performed; however, excerpted work may be submitted if it meets the “stand-alone” requirement.
5. For Stage Monologues: Monologues must be clearly intended for live theatrical performance or auditions, and exhibit standard theatrical playwriting techniques. Avoid writing a static “memory piece” or disguising an essay or memoir as a theatrical monologue.
6. Submit your work in Word or PDF format. Limit one piece per file. Type size is 12 point, and use Times New Roman as the font. Double-space any memoirs, short stories or essays.
7. Complete an entry form to accompany each entry. The entry form is available on the MPN website under the “Montana Voices” tab.
8. Works previously submitted for the Montana Monologues project (2017), Montana Tales performance (2017), and the 2018 Writer’s Challenge that illustrate an aspect of Montana life, past, present or future are also being considered for this publication project. If you have already submitted an entry via these prior competitions, you need not submit the same works for this year’s competition. You may still submit up to two new works in each category for the 2019 Montana Voices Publication project.
9. Submit to:, and label your email subject line as “2019 Montana Voices Submission."
MPN 2019 “Montana Voices” Publication Project Entry Form
Submission Deadline, October 1, 2019
More Competition Details
The “Montana Voices” project is an opportunity for MPN members to showcase their work in publication. MPN will partner with a publishing company to publish an anthology collection within one or two years, providing the volume and quality of the works are sufficient and accepted by the publishing company.
Members retain ownership rights to their creative works. Featured writers are required to submit written permission for their works to be included in any MPN sponsored publication or anthology of members’ works. All proceeds from any such publications are used to support the Montana Playwrights Network.