Vision: The primary purpose of the Montana Playwrights Network (MPN) is to nurture and support the development of playwrights, storytellers, writers, educators and their creative works in the State of Montana and the United States of America.
Mission: MPN offers a communication network and training opportunities for playwrights, storytellers, writers and educators as well as the general public, theatre producers, directors, actors, performing arts entities and educational institutions that produce plays, train writers or create stories for public consumption.
MPN offers educational workshops, seminars, public readings, conferences, and other processes or events that facilitate new play development and theatre productions, as well as assists playwrights, directors, actors, storytellers, writers and educators in developing related skills and careers.

“Organizational Story-telling is a pattern being used in big business; it’s used in marketing, and knowledge management. An organization’s knowledge is contained in its stories. Storytelling doesn’t replace analytical thinking; it supplements it by enabling us to imagine new perspectives and new worlds.”
- Steve Denning – Knowledge Broker for World Bank